Saturday, September 21, 2013

Australian Rules Football

I got in from work this morning and flipped on the TV and discovered one of the Fox Sports channels was showing an Aus Rules football game. Which was sweet because I remember when that's all ESPN seemed to show when they first went on the air, so there was an element of nostalgia attached to watching the game.  I still can't tell that there are more than 3 or 4 rules but that only adds to the enjoyment. I did discover an element to the scoring rules that I hadn't perceived before but other wise not much has changed. The refs no longer wear what looked to me like British Police Bobby uniforms. One thing about the game is its near constant action and I'd never noticed how huge the field is, and its oval shaped.  I ended up taping the last half of the game to watch later but I doubt that the  Sidney Swans were going to make up the 30+ point deficit  that Fremantle had on them.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dragon Con Cruise? Depends on what you mean by "cruise"

There's a conversation currently on going on one of the Dragon Con Facebook groups about taking a DC cruise (in the Caribbean). I offered this alternate suggestion:

 we're looking at this all wrong. We need to be thinking along the lines of an "adventure" cruise, say for instance steerage on a container ship in the Indian ocean (this is really great for all the pirate cosplayers). Or maybe a nice jaunt around Lake Michigan in November on an authentic ore boat.
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Friday, September 6, 2013

aaaaand more Dragon Con photos

These photos are mix of the last two nights and the first. 

Doug Dixon as Moon Pie from Roller Ball

"Castle" sporting a beard and 'stache

Janis at the Hard Rock, looks like Johnette Napolitano

These are from the Bar2D2 panel:

From the Diesel Punk panel (I think there's some steam in there too):

Doug Dixon in his MFP officer uniform from Mad Max and his roommate, my sister Lori:

Look closely at the shirt:

Mad Max MFP officers:

Mad Max MFP group photo shoot: